TFMA Annual General Meeting
Annual Meeting to discuss the Thomasville Farmers Market Season including new seasonal dates.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor, we recommend that you attend our general meeting. You can also email our market manager if you cannot attend the meeting for current stall fees and member rates.
Vendors must be certified by the Cooperative Extension as a producer. Please contact the Davidson County Cooperative Extension to make an appointment.

Annual Thomasville Farmers Market Meeting
Election of Board of Directors
At-Large Directors
City of Thomasville Representative
Davidson County Cooperative Ext Representative
Approval of Market Manager, Debbie Dawson
Approved by-laws
2021 Market Regulations
2021 Market Vendor Agreement Form
Sponsorship Signage
Friends of the Market Campaign: levels, benefits
Church Bake Sales - Renew?
New Business - Other
Next Meetings:
Board Meeting
Fall Meeting